Play single or multiple sounds in any class

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The method checks to see if an instance already exists and creates one if it does not before returning the instance.You should also notice that the method is static which all fields and methods have to be for the singleton pattern to work.With this Method any and all classes within the app can access the direct instance should they need it.

Now in order to use this Sound Manager in your apps it first needs to be initialised.So in your main Activity use the following code to set it up.

 //Create, Initialise and then load the Sound manager

From now on all that needs to be done to play a sound is to call SoundManager.PlaySound from any part of your code. Make sure to use the clean-up function when the app is destroyed to release the instance.

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public class SoundManager { static private SoundManager _instance; private static SoundPool mSoundPool; private static HashMap<Integer, Integer> mSoundPoolMap; private static AudioManager mAudioManager; private static Context mContext; private SoundManager() { } /** * Requests the instance of the Sound Manager and creates it * if it does not exist. * * @return Returns the single instance of the SoundManager */ static synchronized public SoundManager getInstance() { if (_instance == null) _instance = new SoundManager(); return _instance; } /** * Initialises the storage for the sounds * * @param theContext The Application context */ public static void initSounds(Context theContext) { mContext = theContext; mSoundPool = new SoundPool(4, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); mSoundPoolMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); mAudioManager = (AudioManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); } /** * Add a new Sound to the SoundPool * * @param Index - The Sound Index for Retrieval * @param SoundID - The Android ID for the Sound asset. */ public static void addSound(int Index,int SoundID) { mSoundPoolMap.put(Index, mSoundPool.load(mContext, SoundID, 1)); } /** * Loads the various sound assets * Currently hardcoded but could easily be changed to be flexible. */ public static void loadSounds() { mSoundPoolMap.put(1, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.starwars, 1)); mSoundPoolMap.put(2, mSoundPool.load(mContext, R.raw.terminator, 1)); } /** * Plays a Sound * * @param index - The Index of the Sound to be played * @param speed - The Speed to play not, not currently used but included for compatibility */ public static void playSound(int index,float speed) { float streamVolume = mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); streamVolume = streamVolume / mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);, streamVolume, streamVolume, 1, 0, speed); } /** * Stop a Sound * @param index - index of the sound to be stopped */ public static void stopSound(int index) { mSoundPool.stop(mSoundPoolMap.get(index)); } /** * Deallocates the resources and Instance of SoundManager */ public static void cleanup() { mSoundPool.release(); mSoundPool = null; mSoundPoolMap.clear(); mAudioManager.unloadSoundEffects(); _instance = null; } } // IN YOUR MAIN ACTIVITY PUT SoundManager.getInstance(); SoundManager.initSounds(this); SoundManager.loadSounds();
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1 Comment

Nice one..!

Reply · July 4, 2014, 5:30 a.m.